CCWT Videos – CCWT Test – UW–Madison

CCWT Videos

CCWT hosts and offers a variety of speaking engagements related to improving career outcomes for students! This page is a searchable repository for all of CCWT’s recorded events.

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 DeafTEC Ready: Unlocking Potential Among the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing

April 2024

For the deaf and hard-of-hearing, getting considered for employment opportunities is a longstanding challenge. In the tech industry, their participation is even less so. What accounts for their under-representation? How can employers seeking tech talent be engaged? Which approaches work better than others? Session attendees, especially career services professionals and any employers present, will learn about CompTIA’s partnership with the Rochester Institute of Technology’s National Technical Institute for the Deaf to certify and place deaf and hard-of-hearing students into paid training-related roles. Obstacles, setbacks, and successes will be shared, and as approaches continue to be developed as well as tried, session attendees will also be invited to share their experiences in a collegial and open setting.

May 2024

Not All Internships are Created Equal: Research Findings and Strategies to Enhance Internship Experiences and Outcomes

Workshop Slides

Dr. Ran Liu & Dr. Mindi Thompson

In this webinar, Dr. Ran Liu and Dr. Mindi Thompson delve into the critical disparities characterizing college students’ internship experiences and outcomes, focusing on differences in supervision quality, student satisfaction, paid vs. unpaid internships, and their impacts on career outcomes. Synthesizing findings from CCWT’s college internship study, data from the National Survey of College Internships (NSCI), and other literature, we discuss how these disparities also vary according to students’ socio-demographic backgrounds. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the prevalence of internship disparities and actionable insights on strategies to promote equitable internship experiences for all students.


Racialized Poverty Among College Students: Intersecting with First-Generation College Students Status and Paid Internship Opportunities

April 2024

Researchers and career counselors have become increasingly interested in understanding college students’ experiences of poverty and identifying the role of paid internship opportunities in poverty experiences based on structural, cultural, and historical dynamics. Drawing from data from CCWT, Dr. Kim will explain multidimensional poverty and display different structures and natures of poverty that college students experience across racial identities. She will also explain if first-generation college students are more vulnerable to racialized poverty and if paid internship opportunities would alleviate poverty experiences and provide reflection questions and future directions highlighting ways to support invisible student groups with intersecting identities.

empowHER: A Mentoring Program for Women in the WI Building Trades

March 2024

In this webinar, Dr. Ericka Wills discusses the empowHER mentoring program, which was established in 2019 to normalize the role of, support, and retain women in the construction industry and recruit more women into union construction careers. She discusses the scholarship regarding mentoring, the collaborative process of designing and launching the program, and offers examples of activities to demonstrate the unique issues women face in male-dominated industries.

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