CCWT Videos – CCWT Test – UW–Madison

CCWT Videos

CCWT hosts and offers a variety of speaking engagements related to improving career outcomes for students! This page is a searchable repository for all of CCWT’s recorded events.

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 DeafTEC Ready: Unlocking Potential Among the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing

April 2024

For the deaf and hard-of-hearing, getting considered for employment opportunities is a longstanding challenge. In the tech industry, their participation is even less so. What accounts for their under-representation? How can employers seeking tech talent be engaged? Which approaches work better than others? Session attendees, especially career services professionals and any employers present, will learn about CompTIA’s partnership with the Rochester Institute of Technology’s National Technical Institute for the Deaf to certify and place deaf and hard-of-hearing students into paid training-related roles. Obstacles, setbacks, and successes will be shared, and as approaches continue to be developed as well as tried, session attendees will also be invited to share their experiences in a collegial and open setting.

May 2024

Not All Internships are Created Equal: Research Findings and Strategies to Enhance Internship Experiences and Outcomes

Workshop Slides

Dr. Ran Liu & Dr. Mindi Thompson

In this webinar, Dr. Ran Liu and Dr. Mindi Thompson delve into the critical disparities characterizing college students’ internship experiences and outcomes, focusing on differences in supervision quality, student satisfaction, paid vs. unpaid internships, and their impacts on career outcomes. Synthesizing findings from CCWT’s college internship study, data from the National Survey of College Internships (NSCI), and other literature, we discuss how these disparities also vary according to students’ socio-demographic backgrounds. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the prevalence of internship disparities and actionable insights on strategies to promote equitable internship experiences for all students.


Racialized Poverty Among College Students: Intersecting with First-Generation College Students Status and Paid Internship Opportunities

April 2024

Researchers and career counselors have become increasingly interested in understanding college students’ experiences of poverty and identifying the role of paid internship opportunities in poverty experiences based on structural, cultural, and historical dynamics. Drawing from data from CCWT, Dr. Kim will explain multidimensional poverty and display different structures and natures of poverty that college students experience across racial identities. She will also explain if first-generation college students are more vulnerable to racialized poverty and if paid internship opportunities would alleviate poverty experiences and provide reflection questions and future directions highlighting ways to support invisible student groups with intersecting identities.

empowHER: A Mentoring Program for Women in the WI Building Trades

March 2024

In this webinar, Dr. Ericka Wills discusses the empowHER mentoring program, which was established in 2019 to normalize the role of, support, and retain women in the construction industry and recruit more women into union construction careers. She discusses the scholarship regarding mentoring, the collaborative process of designing and launching the program, and offers examples of activities to demonstrate the unique issues women face in male-dominated industries.

Click to access presentation slides

Empowering Students to Prioritize Their Safety in Experiential Learning – Kaila Bingen

February 2024

Thousands of students engage in experiential learning every year, yet institutions vary in how they prepare students for these experiences. In this webinar, you will reflect on how your institution prepares students for experiential learning and evaluate what resources are available to staff, faculty, and students related to sexual harassment and microaggressions. Participants will gain understanding of their liability and responsibilities related to student safety by previewing a brand new, fully virtual, highly engaging training titled, “Safety and Empowerment for Experiential Learning: Professional Behavior and Appropriate Boundaries.” Developed by University of Wisconsin-Parkside in partnership with Universities of Wisconsin and Dynamic Training Resources, this training will improve equity for students engaged in experiential learning and equips students with the knowledge and tools to advocate for their own and others’ safety and well-being in professional spaces. UW-Parkside generously makes this resource accessible by offering it at flexible pricing (free for Universities of WI schools).

Introduction to Tune In to Strive Out Facilitator Training

January 2024

This 20-minute on-demand training is designed for postsecondary educators, advisors, and administrators in academic and career services, health services, student organizations, student support services, and diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. The workshop is led by members of the Tuned in Labs team housed within CCWT. Our team consists of faculty and students in counseling and vocational psychology who have published widely on career development and mental health among individuals from diverse and underrepresented groups.

The College to Workforce Transition for Immigrant Origin Latino/a Young Adults – Vanessa Delgado

September 2023

Children of immigrants now make up a significant proportion of young adults who pursue college degrees; however, we know very little about their transition from college to the workforce. In this webinar, Dr. Delgadol explored how college-educated immigrant-origin Latino/a young adults transitioned into the world of work during the COVID-19 pandemic. Longitudinal qualitative data to underscores how immigration policies, COVID-19, education-occupation mismatches, and low socioeconomic origins complicate the workforce transitions for college-educated Latinos/as. Implications of the research and practical solutions were discussed

Teaching Transferable Skills in College Classrooms: A Cultural Scripts Approach – Matthew Hora

May 2023

The dominant “soft skills” and career readiness discourses do not adequately address the types of skills, instruction, and guidance our students need to thrive in their careers. Learn how to teach critical transferable skills to college students using a cultural approach to teaching and learning in this February workshop video from Dr. Matthew T. Hora of UW–Madison’s Center for Research on College-Workforce Transition (CCWT).

April 2023

In this 2023 CCWT Spring Seminar Series session, Dr. Matthew Hora talks to Dr. Adrianna Kezar from USC’s Pullias Center for Higher Education about how organizational change, campus culture, and the political landscape may impact career readiness initiatives. They share audience questions to discuss timely issues, such as centralized versus decentralized structures and the tools and resources available thanks to research being done at both CCWT and the Pullias Center as well as many other innovative labs.

A Conversation About Assessing Skills in Postsecondary Courses – Heather Fischer, Martin Storksdieck

March 2023

CCWT’s Dr. Matthew Hora talks to Dr. Heather Fischer and Dr. Martin Storksdieck from Oregon State University’s STEM Research Center about their research into skills assessment in postsecondary education. They discuss the challenges of data collection, accurately defining learning outcomes, and designing courses that teach students skills that facilitate the college-workforce transition. Dr. Martin Storksdieck is the director of Oregon State University’s STEM Research Center, and a professor in OSU’s College of Education. The Center consists of a team of dedicated professionals of various disciplinary backgrounds who conduct applied research on STEM education and science engagement at the intersection of research, policy, and practice, with a strong focus on equity and social justice. His aim is to align understanding of how all people learn throughout the lifespan, in formal and informal settings with evidence-based strategies for STEM engagement and STEM education. Martin has more than 25 years of experience with educational research and evaluation in STEM-related fields, and in environmental and sustainability education.

Measurement Issues with the Concept of Career Readiness: Insights from the CCR4T Study – Allison Lombardi

March 2023

Dr. Matthew Hora talks to Dr. Allison Lombardi about her focus on college and career readiness (CCR) and higher education experiences of students with disabilities, her measurement study, College and Career Readiness for Transition (CCR4T), and workshops she has developed and facilitated for college faculty focused on inclusive teaching and universally designed instruction.

Dr. Lombardi studies the transition from adolescence to adulthood, with a particular focus on college and career readiness (CCR) and higher education experiences of underrepresented groups, including students with disabilities. She has secured over $12 million in external funding from a range of agencies including the Institute of Educational Sciences and the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services. Currently, she’s the principal investigator of College and Career Readiness for Transition (CCR4T), a measurement study, an exploration study of interrelationships between college and career readiness and self-determination. In efforts to focus on diversity and disability in higher education, she had developed and facilitated workshops for college faculty focused on inclusive teaching and universally designed instruction. She’s also continued to work on the validation and refinement of the Inclusive Teaching Strategies Inventory, a measure intended for college faculty that has been used in research studies across two- and four-year colleges in the United States, Spain, Canada, Germany, and Taiwan. Dr. Lombardi currently serves as co-editor of Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, and associate editor of Exceptional Children.

Congress in Black & White: How Racism Shapes Legislative Work & Careers – James Jones

February 2023

Dr. Jones is a leading expert on congressional staff diversity, and in this conversation with CCWT Co-Director Matthew Hora, Dr. Jones will talk about his research on congressional internships and implications for college students seeking careers in Washington, D.C. He is currently completing his first book, The Last Plantation, which represents the first major study of racial inequality in the congressional workplace. In addition, he has authored three groundbreaking policy reports on racial representation among congressional staff that demonstrate how racial minorities are underrepresented in both top and junior staff positions on Capitol Hill. His research has been covered by NPR, The Washington Post, and the Atlantic.

Examining the Postsecondary Education Pathways and Successes for Former Gang Members

September 2022

This study draws from two-part qualitative interviews with former gang members who earned four-year and advanced degrees. Findings center on the precollege experiences, motivations to enroll in college, and processes of becoming a collegian.

Dr. Adrian H. Huerta is an Assistant Professor of Education in the Rossier School of Education at the University of Southern California. His research focuses on boys and young men of color, college access and equity, and gang associated youth.

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