Student-Led Development of an Experiential Learning Assessment Plan
3:10 PM – 4:00 PM • 50 Minute Runtime • Room 209
In this session, student facilitators will share about the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee’s Student Assessment Research Committee (UWM’s SARC), the student-majority group tasked with developing the Panther Edge, a competency-based framework for experiential learning. Attendees will learn about broadening NACE’s Competencies for a Career-Ready Workforce, developing student partnerships for outcome and assessment plan creation, and utilizing student perspectives in university committees (in a paid capacity). Assessment plans are often exclusively created by professionals, with student input considered optional during final feedback stages. However, student partnerships in assessment are imperative in cultivating student-friendly practices, breaking down barriers within the university, and building connections between students and professionals, moving away from a hierarchical model to one that centers student voices and values diverse perspectives. “Student-centered” initiatives must involve all students – across identities and backgrounds – in creating equitable assessment practices, presenting unparalleled growth opportunities for students and professionals alike. Student facilitators hope that the success of SARC can lead to additional student-partnership initiatives. Participants will have the opportunity to engage with other attendees and consider the implementation of collaborative student-involved processes.
Andrew Hirsh
Internship and Assessment Manager • University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Alexandra Lynch
Student Presenter • University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Emon Johnson
Student Presenter • University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Christian Raymond
Student Presenter • University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee